Fixed-bed sorption of trace contaminants SILEX


The fixed-bed reactor “SILEX” enables both the investigation of different minerals as well as synthetic dry sorbents for trace gas stripping. Additionally, the degradation of trace gas components on fixed-bed catalysts or catalytic filter materials from model gases can be studied. Up to two fixed beds, a catalyst bed or a section of catalytic filter material can be characterized at temperatures of up to 850 °C in atmospheric syngas. Typical trace gas components are sulfur, nitrogen, or halogen containing species. The target is to adjust parameters to reach the minimum trace contaminant concentrations in the clean syngas. On the one hand, breakthrough behaviour and sorption capacities, the sorption kinetics for individual trace gases and various trace gas combinations can be tested. On the other hand, the degradation of ammonia at higher temperatures is investigated using different catalytic materials. Specifically adapted online analytics on the upstream and downstream side of the fixed-bed reactor enable short and long-term measurements of the sorption behaviour of halogens and sulfur components as well as catalytic degradation of N species.

Technical data  Fixed-bed sorption SILEX
Height 1500 mm
Diameter 100 mm
Volume flow 0,2 -0,4 Nm³/h
Temperature 300 – 850 °C
Material Stainless steel
Sorption bed height 50 – 150 mm
Grain size 2 – 10 mm
Main gas components (reducing)
CO 0 - 50 Vol.%
H2 0 - 50 Vol.%
CO2 0 - 100 Vol.%
H2O 0 - 30 Vol.%
N2 0 - 100 Vol.%
Trace gases
HCl 0 - 200 ppm(V)
H2S 0 - 200 ppm(V)
COS 0 - 100 ppm(V)
NH3 0 - 1000 ppm(V)
NO2 0 - 1000 ppm(V)
NO 0 - 1000 ppm(V)