Department Gasification Technology

Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Thomas Kolb

High pressure entrained flow gasification is one of the key technologies to close the anthropogenic carbon cycle.

The research activities of the Department Gasification Technology focus on the conversion of biogenic and anthropogenic feedstock applying the thermo-chemical process of gasification. The sub processes atomization, flame stabilization, fuel conversion, slagging and heat release are investigated applying R&D facilities from lab to pilot-scale. The experimental data are the basis for physical models of the sub processes, which are implemented into a numerical simulation tool. This can be used for optimization of reactor design and of the process conditions and is the basis for scale-up and thus technology transfer to industrial application. Research is carried out in close cooperation with the working group Thermochemical Fuel Conversion at Engler-Bunte-Institut, Fuel Technology, EBI ceb,

The work is funded by the Helmholtz program MTET (Materials and Technologies for the Energy Transition) in the subtopic Anthropogenic Carbon Cycle, Topic 5 (Resource and Energy Efficiency)

Working groups

Vergasung REGA ITC KIT
Zerstäubung ITC KIT
Atomization / Liquid Fuels
Modellierung ITC KIT
Modeling / Balancing
Thermo-chemical Fuel Conversion
Bioliq ITC KIT
CCLab R&D Coordination Gasifier
HVIGasTech - Helmholtz Virtual Institute for Gasification Technology
  • Framework for scientific collaboration and exchange of knowledge between the partner institutes
  • Network of Young Scientists - platform of communication and interaction of young scientists

Contact: Manuel Haas, M.Sc.

IEA – Task 33 Gasification of Biomass and Waste

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Sabine Fleck

ProcessNet (VDI / GVC / DECHEMA)

Section Sustainable Production, Energy and Resources (SuPER)

Subject divisions:

Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kolb


German Society for Sustainable Energy Carriers, Mobility and Carbon Cycles e.V..

Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kolb

Helmholtz Programmorientierte Förderung: Materials and Technologies for the Energy Transition (MTET), Topic 5, Subtopic Anthropogenic Carbon Cycle

SprayCalc - Berechnungswerkzeug zur Charakterisierung des thermodynamischen reaktionstechnischen Verhaltens von Sprays zur Auslegung verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse

KI-Tool - KI-Tool für prädiktive Prozessoptimierung und -steuerung für mittelständische Prozessanlagenbetreiber