Sabine Fleck

Dr.-Ing. Sabine Fleck

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
    Institut für Technische Chemie
    Postfach 3640
    76021 - Karlsruhe

Department Gasification Technology

Main Activities:

Scientific Career:

since 2009 Head of Research Group Gasification at Institute of Technical Chemistry (ITC), KIT
2001 - 2009 Development engineer / Project manager at Mann + Hummel GmbH, Ludwigsburg
1999 - 2001 Scientific assistant at Department of Mechanical Process Engineering and Fluid Mechanics, University of Kaiserslautern
2000 Dissertation: Separation and Agglomeration of fine aerosols in a fluidized bed (Referent: Professor Dr.-Ing. U. Riebel)
1994 - 1999 Scientific assistant at Department of Mechnical Process Engineering, Technical University of Cottbus
1993 - 1994 Internship at Department of Chemical & Process Engineering, University of Surrey, Guildford (England)
Project work: Formation and cleaning of filter cake at ceramic filter media.
Assistant at LTG Gesellschaft für Meß- und Verfahrenstechnische Beratungen und Entwicklungen GmbH, Karlsruhe
1993 Diploma Chemical Engineering at University of Karlsruhe (TH)
Diploma thesis: Investigation of gas-solid-reaction during dry cleaning of coal gas and their influence on the properties of the seperated dust.


Measurement Method for Monitoring Slurry Sprays
Schäfer, W.; Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Jakobs, T.
2025, February 3. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA/VDI-Fachgruppe Fluidverfahrenstechnik (2025), Bochum, Germany, February 3–5, 2025
Entrained Flow Gasification of Suspension Fuels – A New Modeling Approach to Investigate Processes in Burner Near Field
Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2024, September 10. International Conference on Thermochemical Conversion Science: Biomass & Municipal Solid Waste to RNG, Biofuels & Chemicals (tcbiomass2024 2024), Itasca, IL, USA, September 10–12, 2024
Energie aus Biomasse – Thermo-chemische Konversion
Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2024. (M. Kaltschmitt, H. Hofbauer & V. Lenz, Eds.), Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-41216-6
Liquid Fuel Evaporation under Entrained Flow Gasification Conditions - Insights for Burner Development
Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2024, April 2. 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB 2024), Salgados, Portugal, April 2–5, 2024
Hochdruck-Flugstromvergasung: Validierte Daten aus Experimenten im Pilotmaßstab für Optimierung und Scale-up
Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Jakobs, T.; Fleck, S.; Michelfelder, B.; Zimmerlin, B.; Kolb, T.
2024, March 25. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA-Fachgruppen Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung und Gasreinigung (FGr AuW und GAS 2024), Dresden, Germany, March 25–26, 2024
Spray Investigations for Nozzle Design
Jakobs, T.; Wachter, S.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2024, March 20. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA/VDI-Fachgruppen Mehrphasenströmung, Computational Fluid Dynamics und Aerosoltechnik (2024), Bremen, Germany, March 20–21, 2024
Bewertung der Vergasungseigenschaften verschiedener Pyrolyseöle unter Flugstrombedingungen
Fleck, S.; Haas, M.; Santo, U.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2024, March 19. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe Hochtemperaturtechnik (2024), Lindlar, Germany, March 19–20, 2024
Burner Development for HP-Entrained Flow Gasification
Jakobs, T.; Richter, J.; Santo, U.; Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2024, February 21. 3rd MTET Topic-Workshop Resource and Energy Efficiency (2024), Karlsruhe, February 21–22, 2024
High Pressure Entrained Flow Gasification - a Key Enabling Technology in Circular Economy
Fleck, S.; Haas, M.; Santo, U.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2023, June 12. Helmholtz Energy Conference (2023), Koblenz, Germany, June 12–13, 2023
Burner Development for Entrained Flow Gasification - Mass Flow Scaling of Gas Assisted Burner Nozzles
Jakobs, T.; Richter, J.; Wachter, S.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2023, March 28. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe Hochtemperaturtechnik (2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, March 28–29, 2023
Experimental investigation on entrainment in two-phase free jets
Hotz, C.; Haas, M.; Wachter, S.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2023. Fuel, 335, Article no: 126912. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2022.126912
Entrained flow gasification: Impact of fuel spray distribution on reaction zone structure
Haas, M.; Dammann, M.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2023. Fuel, 334 (2), Art.-Nr.: 126572. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2022.126572
Burner Development and Optimization for High Pressure Entrained Flow Gasifiers
Jakobs, J.; Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Kolb, T.
2023. 11th International Freiberg Conference (2023), Rotterdam, Netherlands, September 24–29, 2023
Burner Development for High Pressure Entrained Flow Gasification
Jakobs, T.; Wachter, S.; Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2022, September 14. DECHEMA 2022 Jahrestagung - (Bio)Process Engineering - a Key to Sustainable Development (2022), Aachen, Germany, September 12–15, 2022
Entrained‐flow gasification of pyrolysis oil – Influence of flame structure on fuel conversion
Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Böning, D.; Santo, U.; Kolb, T.
2022. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 94 (9), 1294–1294. doi:10.1002/cite.202255060
Burner Development for High Pressure Entrained Flow Gasification
Jakobs, T.; Wachter, S.; Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2022. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 94 (9), Article no: 1215. doi:10.1002/cite.202255022
Two-phase free jet model of an atmospheric entrained flow gasifier
Hotz, C.; Haas, M.; Wachter, S.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2021. Fuel, 304, Art.-Nr.: 121392. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121392
Detailed Experimental Analysis of Flow Field and Flame Structure in an Entrained Flow Gasifier - Insights into Reaction Zones in Liquid Fuel Gasification
Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2021, September 28. 30. Deutscher Flammentag (2021), Hanover, Germany, September 28–29, 2021
Entrained flow gasification: Experiments and mathematical modelling based on RANS
Dammann, M.; Mancini, M.; Fleck, S.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2019, September. 29. Deutscher Flammentag (2019), Bochum, Germany, September 17–18, 2019
Entrained flow gasification: Experiments and mathematical modelling based on RANS
Dammann, M.; Mancini, M.; Fleck, S.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2019. Conference proceedings des 29. Deutschen Flammentag (2019), 17.09.2019 – 18.09.2019, Bochum, Deutschland
Entrained flow gasification of biogenic fuels – application of characteristic parameters to describe syngas quality and yield
Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Eberhard, M.; Haas, M.; Kolb, T.
2019. 29. Deutscher Flammentag Bochum, 17-18 September 2019
Entrained flow gasification of biogenic fuels – application of characteristic parameters to describe syngas quality and yield
Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Eberhard, M.; Haas, M.; Kolb, T.
2019. 29. Deutscher Flammentag (2019), Bochum, Germany, September 17–18, 2019
Reaction Zone Characterization in Entrained Flow Gasification Spray Flames
Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Kolb, T.
2019. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe "Hochtemperaturtechnik" (2019), Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2–3, 2019
Entrained flow gasification: Experiments and mathematical modelling based on RANS
Dammann, M.; Mancini, M.; Fleck, S.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2018, May. Joint Meeting of the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute (2018), Sorrento, Italy, May 23–26, 2018
Entrained flow gasification: Experiments and mathematical modelling based on RANS
Dammann, M.; Mancini, M.; Fleck, S.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2018. Conference proceedings of the Joint Meeting of The German and Italian Sections of The Combustion Institute - 41st Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute
Entrained Flow Gasification Part 1 : Gasification of Glycol in an Atmospheric-pressure Experimental Rig
Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Hotz, C.; Jakobs, T.; Eckel, G.; Mancini, M.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2018. Fuel, 217, 306–319. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2017.12.077
Entrained flow gasification. Part 3: Insight into the injector near-field by Large Eddy Simulation with detailed chemistry
Eckel, G.; Le Clercq, P.; Kathrotia, T.; Saenger, A.; Fleck, S.; Mancini, M.; Kolb, T.; Aigner, M.
2018. Fuel, 223, 164–178. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2018.02.176
Infrared absorption spectrometer for the determination of temperature and species profiles in an entrained flow gasifier
Nau, P.; Kutne, P.; Eckel, G.; Meier, W.; Hotz, C.; Fleck, S.
2017. Applied optics, 56 (11), 2982–2990. doi:10.1364/AO.56.002982
Measurement of the equivalence ratio in an atmospheric gasifier using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Kutne, P.; Ebenhoch, M.; Meier, W.; Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.
2016. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis, LACSEA 2016; Kongresshaus Stadthalle HeidelbergHeidelberg; Germany; 25 July 2016 through 28 July 2016, Optica Publishing Group (OSA). doi:10.1364/LACSEA.2016.LM2E.2
Measurement of the equivalence ratio in an atmospheric gasifier using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Kutne, P.; Ebenhoch, M.; Meier, W.; Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Kolb, T.
2016. 2016 Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, Heidelberg, 25.-28.07.2016
Development of an infrared absorption spectrometer for height resolved temperature and species concentration measurements in a gasifier
Nau, P.; Kutne, P.; Eckel, G.; Meier, W.; Hotz, C.; Fleck, S.
2016. 2016 Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, July 25- 28, 2016 Heidelberg, Germany, Optica Publishing Group (OSA). doi:10.1364/LACSEA.2016.LM2E.3
Vergasung biomasse-basierter Brennstoffsuspensionen in einem atmosphärischen Flugstromvergaser
Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Kolb, T.
2016. DGMK-Tagung „Konversion von Biomassen und Kohlen”, Rotenburg a.d.Fulda, 09.-11.05.2016, 103–104, Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (DGMK)
Influence of fuel specification on gasification performance of biomass based suspension fuels in an atmospheric enrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Hotz, C.; Boening, D.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. International Conference on Thermochemical (TC) Biomass Conversion Science, tcbiomass 2015, Chicago, USA, 02.-05.11.2015
Gasification of biomass-based suspension fuels in an atmospheric entrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Stoesser, P.; Kolb, T.
2015. 27. Deutscher Flammentag (2015), Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, September 16–17, 2015
Formation and decay of hydrocarbon intermediates in an entrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Kolb, T.; Geigle, K. P.; Kutne, P.
2015. 27. Deutscher Flammentag (2015), Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, September 16–17, 2015
Gasification of biomass-based suspension fuels in an atmospheric entrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Stoesser, P.; Kolb, T.
2015. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 27.Deutscher Flammentag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 16.-17.September 2015, 207–217, VDI Verlag
Formation and decay of hydrocarbon intermediates in an entrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Kolb, T.; Geigle, K. P.; Kutne, P.
2015. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 27.Deutscher Flammentag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 16.-17.September 2015, 697–703, VDI Verlag
Investigation of Entrained Flow Gasification of liquid Fuels at ambient Pressure
Hotz, C.; Fleck, S.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015
Formation of by-products during gasification of biomass based suspension fuels in an entrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Geigle, K. P.; Hotz, C.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015
Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (LIBS) as a diagnostic tool for pressurized gasification processes
Kutne, P.; Gounder, J. D.; Fleck, S.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015
Gasification characteristics of steam exploded biomass in an updraft pilot scale gasifier
Gunarathne, D. S.; Müller, A.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.; Chmielewski, J. K.; Yang, W.; Blasiak, W.
2014. Energy, 71, 496–506. doi:10.1016/
Gasification Characteristics of Hydrothermal Carbonized Biomass in an Updraft Pilot-Scale Gasifier
Gunarathne D. S.; Mueller A.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.; Chmielewski, J. K.; Yang, W.; Blasiak W.
2014. Energy & fuels, 28 (3), 1992–2002. doi:10.1021/ef402342e
Experimental investigation of entrained flow gasification of biomass suspensions at ambient pressure
Hotz, C.; Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Boening, D.; Stoesser, P.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2014. 4th International Symposium on Gasification and its Applications (iSGA 2014), Wien, A, September 2-4, 2014
Development of laser-induced incandescence for monitoring the particle conversion in an atmospheric entrained flow gasifier operated with slurry
Geigle, K. P.; Kutne, P.; Fleck, S.
2014. 6th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies (IFC 2014), Dresden, May 19-22, 2014
Measurements of atomic species concentration in an atmospheric entrained flow gasifier using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Kutne, P.; Geigle, K. P.; Fleck, S.
2014. 6th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies (IFC 2014), Dresden, May 19-22, 2014
Mercury emission and speciation in syngas from biomass gasification: preliminary results
Pudasainee, D.; Paur, H. R.; Fleck, S.; Seifert, H.
2014. 11th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP), Edinburgh, GB, July 28 - August 2, 2013
Trace metals emission in syngas from biomass gasification
Pudasainee, D.; Paur, H. R.; Fleck, S.; Seifert, H.
2014. Fuel processing technology, 120, 54–60. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2013.12.010
Umsetzung biomassebasierter Brennstoffsuspensionen in einem atmosphärischen Flugstromreaktor
Fleck, S.; Stoesser, P.; Santo, U.; Flamme, M.; Kolb, T.
2013. Jahrestreffen Hochtemperaturtechnik und Technische Reaktionen, Oberhausen, 26.- 27.Februar 2013
Umsetzung biomassebasierter Brennstoffsuspensionen in einem atmosphärischen Flugstromreaktor
Fleck, S.; Stoesser, P.; Santo, U.; Flamme, M.; Kolb, T.
2013. Jahrestreffen Hochtemperaturtechnik und Technische Reaktionen, Oberhausen, 26.- 27.Februar 2013
Influence of ambient pressure on twin fluid atomization R&D work for high pressure entrained flow gasification
Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Fleck, S.; Zarzalis, N.; Kolb, T.
2012. 12th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS 2012), Heidelberg, September 2-6, 2012
Influence of ambient pressure on twin fluid atomization R&D work for high pressure entrained flow gasification
Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Fleck, S.; Zarzalis, N.; Kolb, T.
2012. 12th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS 2012), Heidelberg, September 2-6, 2012. Ed.: E. Gutheil, CD-ROM, ILASS Europe
Characteristics of feedstocks for biomass gasification
Pudasainee, D.; Paur, H. R.; Bologa, A.; Woletz, K.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.; Seifert, H.
2012. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 30. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2012, Karlsruhe, 10.-13.September 2012 Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 84(2012) (Abstract)
Gasification of high viscous slurry R&D on atomization and numerical simulation
Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Fleck, S.; Mancini, M.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2012. Applied Energy, 93, 449–456. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2011.12.026
Conversion of Biomass-based Slurries in an Atmospheric Entrained Flow Gasifier
Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Navatta, R.; Stoesser, P.; Flamme, M.; Kolb. T.
2011. 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. From Research to Industry and Markets (2011), Berlin, Germany, June 6–10, 2011
Gasification of glycol: measurements and mathematical modelling
Mancini, M.; Buczynski, R.; Weber, R.; Fleck, S.; Stoesser, P.; Kolb, T.
2011. 25. Deutscher Flammentag (2011), Karlsruhe, Germany, September 14–15, 2011
Conversion of biomass based slurries in an atmospheric entrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Navatta, R.; Stoesser, P.; Flamme, M.; Kolb, T.
2011. 8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE 2011) together with ProcessNet-Annual Meeting, Berlin, September 25-29, 2011
Gasification of glycol: measurements and mathematical modelling
Mancini, M.; Buczynski, R.; Weber, R.; Fleck, S.; Stoesser, P.; Kolb, T.
2011. Verbrennung und Feuerung : Tagung Karlsruhe, 14. und 15. September 2011 ; [mit CD-ROM], 25. Deutscher Flammentag, 221–226, VDI Verlag
Biomass to syngas by entrained-flow gasification R&D on atomization and fuel conversion
Kolb, T.; Fleck, S.; Jakobs, T.; Seifert, H.; Zarzalis, N.
2011. 35th Internat.Technical Conf.on Clean Coal and Fuel Systems 2010, Clearwater, Fla., June 6-10, 2010
Gasification of high viscous slurry R&D on atomization and numerical simulation
Jakobs, T.; Fleck, S.; Mancini, M.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2011. 36th Internat.Technical Conf.on Clean Coal and Fuel Systems 2011, Clearwater, Fla., June 5-9, 2011
Atomization at high reactor pressures. R&D work for high pressure entrained flow gasification
Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Fleck, S.; Zarzalis, N.; Kolb, T.
2011. 25.Deutscher Flammentag, Karlsruhe, 14.-15.September 2011
Entrained flow gasification of biomass based slurry. Influence of gasificaiton conditions on syngas quality
Flamme, M.; Fleck, S.; Stoesser, P.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2011. tcbiomass 2011 : The Internat.Conf.on Thermomechanical Conversion Science, Chicago, Ill, September 28-30, 2011 Folien online veröff
Conversion of model fuel in an entrained flow gasifier. Influence of the gasification conditions on the syngas quality
Fleck, S.; Fertl, P.; Kolb, T.
2011. 3rd Internat.Symp.on Energy from Biomass and Waste (Venice 2010), Venezia, I, November 8-11, 2010
Biomass to syngas by entrained-flow gasification R&D on atomization and fuel conversion
Kolb, T.; Fleck, S.; Jakobs, T.; Seifert, H.; Zarzalis, N.
2011. Sakkestad, B.A. [Hrsg.] Coal: Rising to new Challenges : Proc.of the 35th Internat.Technical Conf.on Clean Coal and Fuel Systems 2010, Clearwater, Fla., June 6-10, 2010 CD-ROM Gaithersburg, Md. : Coal Technology Association, 2010
Gasification of high viscous slurry R&D on atomization and numerical simulation
Jakobs, T.; Fleck, S.; Mancini, M.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2011. Sakkestad, B.A. [Hrsg.] The Clearwater Clean Coal Conf. : 36th Internat.Technical Conf.on Clean Coal and Fuel Systems 2011, Clearwater, Fla., June 5-9, 2011 Red Hook, N.Y. : Curren Associates, 2011, 15–26
Atomization at high reactor pressures. R&D work for high pressure entrained flow gasification
Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Fleck, S.; Zarzalis, N.; Kolb, T.
2011. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 25.Deutscher Flammentag, Karlsruhe, 14.-15.September 2011 Düsseldorf : VDI-Verl.GmbH, 2011 (VDI-Berichte ; 2119) inkl.CD-ROM, 393–399
Conversion of model fuel in an entrained flow gasifier - Influence of the gasification conditions on the syngas quality
Fleck, S.; Fertl, P.; Kolb, T.
2010. Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste ; Cini Foundation, Venice, Italy, 8 - 11 November 2010, Cisa Publ
Absolute diode laser-based in situ detection of HCl in gasification processes
Ortwein, P.; Woiwode, W.; Fleck, S.; Eberhard, M.; Kolb, T.; Wagner, S.; Gisi, M.; Ebert, V.
2010. Experiments in Fluids, 49, 961–68. doi:10.1007/s00348-010-0904-2